Drastic times call for drastic measures

  • 30/March/2020
  • Category: Notice, Port
  • Tags: trobada de velers, vela de creuer

The Club Nàutic l’Escala would like to inform you that, due to the extension of the state of emergency and by virtue of the different decrees and resolutions regarding COVID-19, as far as the Club’s activities and services are concerned, the measures adopted will be extended until further notice.  They are as follows:

  • The minimum level of marina services will be maintained for the security of the Club and the boats 24 hours a day.
  • The current cleaning and disinfection service for basic facilities will be maintained.
  • The Club’s offices, both the main one and the sports one, will continue to be operational by phone and email during the low-season.
  • The Club’s telephone line will be kept operational 24 hours a day for emergencies.
  • The fuel service station will operate on a self-service basis and for emergencies only.
  • The Ordinary Meeting of Members 2019 scheduled for April has not been called in accordance with the extraordinary measures provided for in Decree Law 10/2020 of March 27. In this sense, as soon as the call is possible, the Club will proceed to initiate the corresponding ordinary procedure.
  • The competitions and events in all sports disciplines have been suspended.
  • As far as the normal sports and social activities are concerned, all meetings, guided sessions and group activities in all sports disciplines have also been suspended.
  • Any boat owners or crew who stay overnight on their boat must respect the same restrictions and limitations imposed on the population.
  • Passenger boats are restricted from entering the port unless they declare a state of emergency or an urgent need for the boat or the crew, in which case access to the dock must be authorised by the Club Management.

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16.7º C

Vent: 144 SE 9.7Kts, 21.4 Max

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