
Terms of Use:

The following General Conditions regulate the use of the integral web pages of the website. Every user who accesses the website agrees to comply with the General Conditions in force at any time.

The contents of this page are protected by the Intellectual Property Law, so that the modification, transmission, copy or any use of the contents that are part of the website for public, lucrative or commercial purposes, without the consent and express authorisation of the CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA, will lead to a violation which will be penalised by the current legislation.


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights:

According to these General Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are granted to the website or any of its elements and the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, provision, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any kind are expressly prohibited to the User, except in cases that are legally permitted or authorised by the holder of the corresponding rights.

Any physical or legal person who intends to include a hyperlink or a technical link device from their website must obtain prior authorisation from the CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA, and it may be revoked at any time.

Establishing a link does not imply in any way the existence of a relationship between the CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA and the owner of the website.


Availability of the website and services offered therein:

CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA does not guarantee the availability, access and/or continuity of the operation of this website or the services associated with it. Therefore, CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA is not responsible for any damages or injuries that may be caused to the User as a result of the unavailability, access errors, or lack of continuity of the website and its associated services.


Contents and services:

The User is ultimately responsible for the content of the information that he/she includes in this website. The User accepts the conditions of use and agrees that the information included will be accurate and appropriate for the purposes of the website.
The information published in this website is current at the time of publication, save error or omission. The User can consult the date of publication through the email supplied in these Conditions.
CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA does not accept responsibility for negligent actions or misconduct of any of the users of the portal. Likewise, CLUB NÀUTIC L’ESCALA reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the contents of the website, as well as limiting its partial or total access for as long as it considers appropriate.


Competent Jurisdiction:

These General Conditions are governed by applicable Spanish law, and unless the law establishes otherwise in the current regulations, including the consumer and user regulations, any dispute will be submitted to the judges and the Courts of Girona.

9.3º C

Vent: 238 WSW 4.2Kts, 10.8 Max

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